Metric Conversion Table
This chart provides the multiplier to be used in converting from U.S. Customary units to Metric units. To convert from the Metric unit to U.S. Customary units divide rather than multiply by the factor.
When you know: | To find metric units: | Multiply by: |
LB (Pound) | KG (Kilograms) | 0.45359237 |
Ton (Long) | T (Metric Ton) (1T = 1,000KG) | 1.016047 |
Ton (Short) | T (Metric Ton) (1T = 1,000KG) | 0.90718474 |
OZ (Troy) | G (Gram) | 31.10348 |
YD (Yard) | M (Meter) | 0.9144 |
FT (Feet) | M (Meter) | 0.3048 |
IN (Inch) | CM (Centimeter) | 2.54 |
IN (Inch) | MM (Millimeter) | 25.4 |
YD2 (Square Yard) | M2 (Square Meter) | 0.8361274 |
FT2 (Square Feet) | M2 (Square Meter) | 0.09290304 |
YD3 (cubic Yard) | M3 (Cubic Meter) | 0.7645549 |
BBL (Barrel of OIL) (42 Gallons) | M3 (Cubic Meter) | 0.1589873 |
GAL (Gallon Liquid) | L (Liter) | 3.785412 |
Quart (Liquid) | L (Liter) | 0.9463529 |
Pint (Liquid) | L (Liter) | 0.4731765 |
Curie | MBq (Bq-becquerel) | 37000 |
HP (Electric) | KW | 0.746 |
BTU/S | KW | 1.055056 |
BTU/H | W | 0.2930711 |
EF | EC | TEC = (tE f 32)/1.8 |